
Hi, there. No time for details. I’m Max, founder of the Yoko clan. We all have a nickname to recognize each other, and to make it more classy we add « The » in front of it. I’m The Yokozuna. Well, I’m going to keep it simple, because we don’t do things by halves. We’re like bounty hunters, except that our contract is legal and with the state. Basically, we bust heads for them, or at least some of the bounty hunters do that. I usually char them with my gigantic laser pistol. I swear, it tickles to get a gigantic laser beam in your face. And yes, yes, it pays well, no, no, we have no morals. Well, we could, but it wouldn’t pay as well if we did things like « yeah, but no, you see this guy here, he seems nice, maybe we could just call him to order ». No, we can’t. We’re asked to do it, so we do it. And we have a blast blasting people we’re asked to blast. Ahha. I’m into alliteration now, I’m a hell of a poet. Peace out.