Jean-Pascal Morgan
Jean-Pascal Morgan didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he hates being told otherwise. He is a self-made man, one to be admired because through courage and hard work, he climbed the rungs of the social ladder one by one. What did he need? « My **** and my knife! » he whispers in the interview. « And the few million from daddy in his bank account to start » he adds off-camera. At the helm of an empire he built himself (let’s remind everyone), « JP », the nickname he bestowed upon himself, squeezes every monetary lemon handed to him by the tree of capitalism. And now? He envisions partnering up. After all, « alone we go faster, but together we go further! » he declares. And his perfect partner is none other than the shady and unfeeling Batistbald de la Rochenoire. The two businessmen plan to build a mountain of bills of the size of… Mount Rushgator!