General Topgun

General Topgun defines herself as « strict but friendly. » And she is partly right. Adored by her teams, she implements a management system she calls 3.0 : « The old-fashioned, primitive management, using only the carrot or the stick, is outdated… It’s about growing up and stopping to wade in the semolina. The future is about autonomy, proactivity, and pride in belonging to the public or private organization for which we work ». As you may have guessed, General Topgun is the complete opposite of General Barbossa. Take an antonym dictionary, and you have a Barbossa/Topgun translator! They even ended up resorting to fins… well, beaks. Yeah, no… Anyway, you get the idea! They wanted to fight each other! She said : « he’s a relic from the old times. He’s so old that… ». We better stop here; the following jokes might be considered a « crime against our ancestors who didn’t ask for it » in court. General Topgun takes us on a tour of her pilot teams… who are playing video games. Skeptical about this training, we ask the general how a training day is organized. This is what she tells us : « Organize? You’re so old-school and non-disruptive, it’s almost endearing. It’s not my job to tell them what to do ». Uh… Then what is the purpose of an army general? But we dare not ask the question, as the images of General Topgun insulting old people dissuade us. Anyway, as we leave, we take the opportunity to ask a pilot the question: « I’ve been here for three years! I don’t know how to fly an airplane, but I beat my record on SSX today. It will surely help me ». To each their own, I hope the invaders won’t know how to fly.